Friday, October 15, 2010

Finally, Autumn

We can't seem to make sense of the weather lately. We saw 80 degrees last week. But now we're back to wearing sweatshirts, rather than shorts.

The snap dragons we planted for Colleen's birthday in April continue to bloom into October. Here you see they are slightly crowded by fallen leaves but still going strong.

A leaf blower is a handy tool, especially when there are four children waiting to jump into leaves. Do you know how hard it is to get all of them to look at the camera when there's a giant pile of leaves to be scattered? The photo below is earlier this week. You can just see Amelia in there sitting in front of Elizabeth.

While searching for photos I came across this photo of Amelia and Colleen (lowest), taken one year ago and shown here for comparison.


Alicia Coleman said...

Leaf pile = the best thing EVER when you are a kid. Then it snows and the snow pile takes over as the best thing ever.

nonna said...

Love the pics, all the leaves are down here. So is the sun.