Monday, January 5, 2009

Cousin to the rescue

Colleen really enjoys having Amelia here during the day. She gets to use her high-pitched "who's a pretty baby?" voice and joins in the general hoop-la associated with Amelia. Amelia is very tolerant of the commotion and extra kisses.

Baby milestone: Amelia gets herself into a standing position and then doesn't know what to do.

Colleen to the rescue. Oh but wait - there's mom with the camera. She didn't know whether to pose or help Amelia.

I snapped off this shot and then pried Amelia's fingers off that cabinet knob. She was holding on for dear life.

Clothing-related note: We were mid-wardrobe change when this happened, which is why she's in her undershirt (carrots for lunch, 'nuf said).


Anonymous said...

Or maybe it was the "Amelia cakes" - anyway, it wasn't the zucchini.

Neil said...

Good God, is my child tall. I'm glad that Colleen uses her pseudo-older-sibling status for good, rather than paying the misery forward... such a sweet girl.