Thursday, February 18, 2010

When she sings

We have a daughter who doesn't like to sing for her dad. That dad smiles intensely and gets all warm inside when he hears said daughter sing. Usually that happens when she sings along to songs on the radio or on the CD player in the car. It's all he can do to say nothing and just enjoy the moment.

And that's fine.

But she can definitely sing.


Jensens6021 said...

Do you suppose it's hard for her to sing in front of her dad when he's such a good singer?

Patrick said...

She didn't want to take Spanish next year either -- Cate had to talk her into it.

So I just silently listen and take what I can get. Trying to get her to sing just causes her to clam up. Just glad she likes photography, at least.

Nonna said...

Some of us just sing to ourselves! I am glad she decided to take Spanish next year.