Saturday, September 18, 2010

I think we have a problem

Setting the scene, Colleen and I are in the kitchen on Saturday. Colleen comes in to look at the calendar.

She asks, "What day is it today?"

I told her it was the 18th.

She said, "What regular day?"

I told her it was Saturday, Sept. 18.

She said, "OK," and left.

Two minutes later she comes back into the kitchen and says, in a voice worthy of a confessional: "Mom, I think we have a problem. I forgot to go to school yesterday."

Colleen stayed home from school on Friday because she was sick. But we had never told her she wasn't going in to school.

I gave her a hug and told her she would go back to school on Monday.


Neil said...


The other night Joel Mich asked what grade she was in this year and with her most indignant 5-year-old voice she replied, "NONE graaaaaaaa-ade - I'm in KINDERgarten!"

Yeah, ,Joel.

Reed said...

That's a great story!