Every couple of minutes, she asked me if we had certain ingredients in the house. We're running low/out of certain things and we're not going to replace them before we move. We don't need more Worcestershire sauce, for example, since we wouldn't finish another bottle ... well, it took us three years to finish the last one.
She started calling out ingredients and it turned out we had them all, so we decided to make a Grilled Barbecued Chicken recipe from Taste of Home. I don't think Elizabeth knows how spicy this is, however.
- 1 tablespoon chili powder
- 1/2 teaspoon hot pepper sauce
- 1 large onion, chopped
The one consumable we did replace was the propane tank for the grill. No way we were getting through six weeks without grilling.
Well, the kids survived the spicy chicken, and in fact, Elizabeth loved it.
After writing I called an audible. We've had a lobster tail in the freezer for ... uhm ...ever and some shrimp in there for a few weeks that needed to be consumed, so I threw those on the grill as well, basted in a little butter, lemon juice and basil (or oregano or something, just not parsley flakes, which would make sense).
Lobster was a little freezer burned, no surprise. Tasted good, though. And nobody else at the table bit on my offer.
Looks like E got the right taste buds, but ten seems a little young for needing more spice in your life. What will she need at 40? Hundreds of thousands of Scoville units?
Sure would be nice to see a picture or two of the children instead of the chicken.
Please feel free to ignore that last request from she who has a single focus. All god's critters have a place in the choir, even the lowly chicken. I could even tolerate a cat photo if it supports the story line, or a lobster or a shrimp. All contribute to the avalable gene pool, even if we have some problems in availing ourselves so early in the 21st century.
And now for something incompletely different: You may not recall, Patrick, that we had a brunch with the Meisowitz family--Fred and Chris--a few days before our moving van arrived in our move from Delaware to Michigan. The major objective was to clean out our liquor collection, little of which I now recall other than it seemed to include a lot of liquors. At any rate, the brunch ran on to four o'clock before we finished all the open bottles, mostly mixed with orange juice, as I recall, or apple juice, or club soda. But, focused on our goal, we managed to drink it all...and Fred and Chris managed to get home safely.
Gotta love Irish moving parties. And Irish wakes. And Irish confirmations. And Irish Holy Communions.
Isn't Irish Holy Communion something else entirely?
I would never say "ignore" to someone's comment. Da is denying my first amendment rights. I need a good lawyer! Could it be he has become a Republican??
Irish Holy Communion = skip the bread, drink the wine
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