Monday, November 24, 2008

Colleen's rules of cooking, No. 1

For everything that must be stirred, there is a spoon that must be licked.

Even if that spoon was stirring cranberry relish that includes onions and horseradish. Apparently, not a problem. We'll see if she eats it on Thursday.

It's nothing like the chocolate chip cookies she "helped" make a couple weeks ago.


Unknown said...


The onions and horseradish - not the licking.

Anonymous said...

Hey, You are not invited to our dinner! It is Mama Stamberg's recipe.

Da said...

The onions and horseradish are astonishingly refreshing at Thanksgiving dinner. Not that I dislike the myriad flavors repeated each year; rather, Mother Stanberg's cranberry relish is so decidedly non-Minnesotan, so sharp and refreshing, yet not tasting of either onions or horseradish. All I can say is try it, you'll like it. Or not, but you tried. So, Cavalier92, (what school is the Cavaliers?) (sounds like something from Virginia) give it a try. If it's still NG, all you have lost is some onions and horseradish (sounds like it's already wasted); if it works for you, then you have a heavenly concoction to bring to your friends for the rest of your days. What a blessing!