Monday, October 27, 2008

In Obama nation

Musings of Elizabeth while watching the World Series:

"If Obama loses, can we move to Holland? It sounds appealing!

"Can we move to Europe?

"Can we move to Canada?"

Hey, she said it. I didn't!

Of course, Elizabeth is accustomed to election uncertainty. In 2000, when the networks originally called Florida for Al Gore, we told her that he was going to be the next president. At not quite age 3, she was already disillusioned.


The Coleman Family said...

Oh, also, Cate's and my voter registration card arrived today, so ACORN ... sorry, Da got the job done.

Ryan said...

No absentee in VA?

Anonymous said...

We talked about moving to Canada in 1968 but we stayed...

Unknown said...

Well you are already living in Minnesota. It's not like Canada would be much of a change.

Anonymous said...

The year was 1984. A happy ten year old spent the afternoon making little R and M stickers to affix to a US map and spent most of the night making Ms into Rs. Haunts me still.

The Coleman Family said...

That was the first election night I was allowed to stay up for, too.

As Dennis Miller said once, back in his sane days, "what an a**-kicking that was. ... I didn't even run and I almost tied the guy."