As many know when you prepare to move, you discover all sorts of treasures you had forgotten.
I'm cleaning up the living room today and Robert is sort of helping me. He's still punky with fever so he just picks up things, stares blankly then sets them down again. He picked up one sheet of paper and perked up. He announced, "Hey, look! It's a blog on paper!"
He found Nonna and Da's Christmas letter from last year. He especially enjoyed the photo from Cooperstown. Colleen of course enjoyed the photo of herself.
I once had to explain to Elizabeth the meaning of knobs that said "vert." and "horiz." in the Silverstein poem Jimmy Jet and His TV Set. I guess now I'll explain to Robert that people once communicated on paper.
Kids today :) I remember his insistence, as a very little kid, on you showing him the picture on the back of the digital camera. He was so confused when Nonna's camera didn't exactly have that feature.
I think Nonna and Da better start sending letters like in the olden days!
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