Monday, July 28, 2008

Greetings from Minnesota!

What does a girl do on her first day as a Minnesotan? Listen to Prairie Home Companion of course. While passing through the hall Elizabeth caught a moment of "Guy Noir, Private Eye" on the radio and said "Ooo! What station is this? It's like TV but without the screen." She's listened to Garrison Keillor before but never as a fellow Minnesotan.

The Meeting of the Cousins went very well. All were cranky at the end but it was well past bedtime so we'll overlook that. Baby Amelia was sleeping for the initial meet and greet but Robert soon helped her overcome that. There were lots of kisses and peek-a-boos. Colleen sang her songs, Elizabeth entertained with cartwheels (even Uncle Neil and Uncle Ryan tried their hand (s and feet) at the cartwheel and were as successful as grown men can be), and Robert helped and talked (his personal strengths). Aunt Cate got to hold her lots (thank you) and enjoyed sniffing her head. That's not too weird -- babies smell nice (most times). Pa also attended and worked his great-grandchild magic. Colleen ran right to him and he lifted her onto his lap. He got lots of hugs and she just ate up his undivided attention.

Special mention goes to Jennifer Jensen who stopped by to say welcome (and provided the photo of Colleen and Pa!). We went together to an open house, our first in the Minnesota market. Not the house for us I think but a nice way to get our feet wet -- with a friend. She also took us to the Linden Hills playground. So the kids got some fresh air and Cate got some grown up conversation. Very nice way to spend an afternoon.


Jensens6021 said...

Sounds like a lovely way to ease into life in Minnesota!

So-So-SO happy to have seen all of you. I very much enjoyed my time with you and look forward to many more opportunities in the future.

Nice picture, too.

To E, R, and Co, I'll see you later this week.

Cate: Safe travels and we'll see you and hubby in a few...

Neil said...

She was soooooooooo cute with him. Overheard: "I'm going to take you home with me, is that okay?" "Yeah, that's okay."
My cartwheels, by the way, were spectacular.
No, really.

Ryan said...

Uh huh Neil, sure they were :-p At least I landed mine with my legs extended most of the way through :)

Neil said...


Ryan said...

Photos from my facebook album

The Coleman Family said...

Thanks for blogging, Cate!

- Patrick, still in Virginia :(

Jensens6021 said...

Darn--now I wish I had stayed, just to see grown men attempting cartwheels.

Ryan- great pictures.

Neil said...

I'm telling you, my cartwheel was awesome. Cate, tell them!

Jensens6021 said...

Oh there will be a next time...seeing is believing.

Nanny (aka Mom) said...

Cate, thank you so much for this wonderful (and emotional) account of the fab-four meeting!

I love the picture of Pa and Colleen, it really touches the heart. It speaks of all the good things moving to MN will mean for all of you.

I am sooo sorry that no one got any pictures of the guys doing could have made lots of money on that one alone!

Nonna and Da...aren't they great???

Anonymous said...

AKA Mom, They are great Sorry I did not respond sooner but there are not enough hours in the day!
Yesterday we went to the park twice--once with our lunch to play on the playground. Then in the evening, after Amelia went home and Da went to the Twins/White Sox game, we went to the wading pool to cool off. We forgot the blow up toys. Robert wants everyone to know that E dunked him all the way down to the bottom.
Also, the kids went to bed on time, if we were living in the Pacific Time Zone. Whoops!

Neil said...

Fine, next time we will videotape my awesome cartwheels and Ryan's bad cartwheels. That'll show you all. Oh yes, that will show you all.