Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Some people need practical advice

I had a great time at the George Michael concert last night with Catherine S., a friend from college. More about that later. However, one of the best parts about riding the Metro is the people-watching. We saw a prime example of it last night, when a woman standing on the train right in front of us was holding a paper with a Google maps printout.

I didn't see the exact start and endpoint, but no lie, it was just like this.

View Larger Map

There are so many ways this could have been avoided.

1. When you plug in your two endpoints and you see the simple one block-by-one block right angle pop up on your screen, you could simply commit it to memory and close the browser.
2. If you're not paying attention and print it out anyway, you could recycle the sheet of paper.
3. If you are so inept or insecure that you must carry a piece of paper to tell you how to go two blocks, for goodness sakes, fold the paper inward so the rest of the train can't see.

Thanks. That is all.


Anonymous said...

Who cares what the nosy people on the train think??

Neil said...

Zing! I think you just some practical advice of your own.

The Coleman Family said...

Dear Zing:

Methinks your second sentence lacks a word somewhere. :)

Jensens6021 said...

okay...I was one of those people with a 2 blocks away destination while in DC. Even with the fabulous book of metro maps Cate loaned us, we still got turned around. Don't knock the tourists! (me: giving person the benefit that she is a tourist)

The Coleman Family said...

Not like you went to a mapping site to print out the map for it, though. :)

Jensens6021 said...

If I had good connectivity in the hotel, you bet I would've. :)

I'm that dorky.

The Coleman Family said...

There's nothing wrong with being dorky. I think the next blog post proved that.