Saturday, July 19, 2008

Something even older

In the course of the move, we've uncovered many things that we haven't seen in ages, things we've moved many times but haven't opened.

This isn't one of them. It's a remnant of our very first move, when Cate and I moved out of dorms rooms in Ryan Hall at Catholic U. in 1993 and into half of a row house about four blocks from campus.

Cate and I were on campus an extra month working on the yearbook, and they let us stay in our dorm rooms. But eventually it was time to leave and get our crap out of there. Thankfully, we had other friends on campus that summer, including Rob Scotto-Lavino, who worked for the campus transportation services. So he had access to a truck.

We don't own a lot at this point in terms of furniture, me being 20 and Cate 19, but Rob was in the business of moving furniture. And in the back of the truck was this table, which came from neighboring Regan Hall, and has been ours since that night. (Rob was also my first color guy on college basketball broadcasts. Thanks, Rob.)

It got packed in the POD today, which, thanks to an assist from Sean and Claire, is now 99% done. (There are some cubby-type holes we can poke things into.) We (they) also got a ton knocked off the to-do list today, and the painters came back and nearly finished. Floors get worked on on Monday.


Nanny (aka Mom) said...

Oh my! I remember that table. I even had in my classroom for a few years as an end table.
Yikes, I even remeber that first apartment!

Unknown said...

Nice work - stealing furniture from the alma mater to set up the first house. CUA offering an EXCELLENT values education!

The Coleman Family said...

I think we got our value out of it. I know we're still paying for Cate's education. :)